What I Know for Sure

What I Know for Sure…

  1. Anticipation of a major life event is usually worse than the actual event itself.
  2. Your dog will always believe you are a rock star, and lives every moment to affirm this belief.
  3. Sleep is often the best antidote for a weary spirit.
  4. Friends who make you laugh are priceless.
  5. Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches (cut in triangles) is the mother of all comfort foods.
  6. You always weigh more when you go for a check-up than you did last night.
  7. Allowing yourself to be sad for 15 minutes and then moving on is therapeutic.
  8. Sometimes a girl just needs some dark chocolate.
  9. Brain fog is real after the age of 50.
  10. Wearing a bra is highly overrated.
  11. You always need to fill your gas tank when you are exhausted.
  12. Talking with the Creator soothes the soul.
  13. A mate who agrees to ‘dialogue’ with you is irreplaceable.
  14. Giving birth is the closest you get to living through your own death.
  15. Your computer secretly laughs at your errors.
  16. Some people are just mean, but most people are kind.
  17. Your children can make and break your heart.
  18. Reading God’s Word brings you into His Presence.
  19. Sisters are friends who have to love you.
  20. You must have an Ending to have a Beginning…


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