Archive | April 2015

A Winning Team

First the diagnosis, then the treatment plan, then the execution of said plan… But what happens when the treatment plan is finished and you enter the gray zone of maintenance.  What then?  Just like a fledgling athletic team needs a support structure, a core of passionate individuals who possess unique gifts and wisdom- you as a breast cancer thriver- need a team of people you can draw both strength and expertise from. Your team consists of several layers which when the layers are peeled back, you find that these layers are not linear- they connect to one another in vibrant, beautiful circles. The first layer is your spouse or significant person.  For me, that person was and is my best friend- my husband Bob.  This person will listen to you describe the minute details of your diet, the side effects of your medication, and your mental state without ever rolling his eyes or sighing in your presence.  Another vital person in this layer is a friend- someone you can tell your darkest thoughts to and they listen and never, ever judge.  They do not feel the need to speak- they listen, listen, and listen some more.  The next addition is a kindred spirit- someone who has walked this path before you.  They don’t sugarcoat any information and are neither startled nor embarrassed by anything you ask them. Your next concentric circle is your medical team.  The staff at your oncologist’s office- the receptionists, the nurse practitioner, and the doctor or “Queen Bee” herself, in my case.  These souls will take your phone calls, order blood work and tests, and make appointments so that you can hear the Queen Bee say, “That is a lymph node- not a tumor,” “Your blood work looks good,” “We can do an ultrasound to keep an eye on that,” and the ever welcome, “You are doing it!” Under this layer is your wellness team.  Your Pilates instructor, the boy at the gym who scans your ID card when you arrive to work out, the massage therapist, and anyone who will exercise with you and push you further than you imagined you could go. Connecting all the layers and circles is your Spirituality- your belief in a higher power, Karma, the Creator of the Universe- or whatever easy chair you choose to sink the weight of your life into.  For me, it is my faith in Jesus Christ and the knowledge that this- all of this- is temporary.  When I step out of this point in time into Eternity, I will no longer care if I ate 100% organic, exercised at least 5 days a week, or buoyed my spirit with only positive, light-filled thoughts.  In Eternity, my scars will be gone, my implants a non-issue, and my body completely restored.  Breast cancer will have evolved into the role of teacher- an instructor who offered life lessons that pushed me to question more, grow stronger, and love more deeply than I ever thought possible. But for now- in this point in Time- I can feel the spring breeze on my face, the warm sun on my skin, and the undeniable peace in my soul.  The grand sense of peace that I am feeling more confident, less fragmented, and surprisingly comfortable in my own skin again.  And that is a very, very good thing…