New and Improved

Lists…. We all make them- grocery lists, honey-do lists, Christmas lists, the pros and cons list, and the inevitable Bucket List. When I turned the calendar page to the big 5-0, my mind went into Bucket List overdrive. Traveling overseas, eating lobster, taking a hot air balloon ride, raising a litter of puppies- the possibilities seemed endless.  Then out of left field my Bucket List was derailed by four simple words: “You have breast cancer.” I quietly put the Bucket List away, hunkered down, and moved into survival mode. And now, thanks to breast cancer, it is time for a new and improved Bucket List. Here goes…

  1.  Thrive for many, many years cancer-free and leave this earth as a very old- but active- woman. (preferably in my sleep cradled in my husband’s strong arms)
  2. Know the joy of becoming a grandmother- Nana, Mimi, Abuela, Bibbi.   I’m not sure of my title just yet.
  3. Rent a deluxe RV and travel west- seeing all the sights along the way and taking in The Grand Canyon.
  4. Publish a book and have people actually read it.
  5. Share Jesus boldly and take as many people to Heaven with me as I can.
  6. Cook one absolutely incredible gourmet meal followed by a decadent dessert.
  7. Watch all four of my children come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  8. Have my own vegetable garden.
  9. Move to the country and savor the shade of tall trees and the peace of a front porch.
  10. Start a Book Club.
  11. Renew my wedding vows.
  12. Just Be.


One thought on “New and Improved

  1. I am in awe of you…..Please positive Pam…rub off on me…

    my bucket list….live to see a grandbaby, get to the beach….that
    s it.

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