Did you just say that?

Looking back on this last year I can remember people not really knowing what to say to me.  They certainly meant well, and I am so grateful for all the love and positive comments I received.  But here is a list of the Top 10 Things Not to Say to Someone Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer:

10. What do you think caused it?  (If I knew that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.)

9. How are you feeling? You look good. (I am not dying today and the shirt I am wearing has a stain on the front.  Did you miss that?)

8. How big is your tumor?  (Really- big enough- ok?)

7. You’re having both removed- wow- I could never do that.  (You’d be surprised what you’ll do when your life is threatened!)

6. God never gives you something bigger than you can handle.  (So not true- God didn’t “give me breast cancer.”  He allowed it.  And He wants me to be completely dependent on Him because He knows I can’t handle it without Him.)

5. My mother had breast cancer.  She died.  (Oh my- did you actually just say THAT to me?)

4. Are you getting nipples too?  (Wow- that seems just a tad on the personal side…..)

3. Is it in your lymph nodes?  (We don’t know that for sure yet and I’m trying not to hyper-focus on this uncertainty. )

2. Let me know if you need anything. (Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)

1. Your new breasts will never sag- they’ll always be perky! (I love the breasts God gave me.  I nursed my three babies with them, my husband loves them, and I’m totally okay with them sagging. 🙂

One thought on “Did you just say that?

  1. Well said. I’m sure I’ve been guilty of some of those so it’s especially nice to hear it from your perspective. You are quite humorous, too!

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